Hey, my name is Tim Morrison. I am a Music Minister in the United Methodist Church and I have been blessed to have worked with this same congregation for 35 years. So cool. I don’t take that for granted. Lately, I’ve been wondering, can I find a voice beyond the safe walls of Custer Road? For the United Methodist among you, it’s a Deacon thing.
I do not pretend to be a writer. I don’t even pretend to be wise. I simply think of myself as a person with a unique lens on life and a peculiar way of articulating the way I see the world. Therefore, this is a first-person website. I won’t quote other theologians; however, I have certainly been shaped by wise people of faith. I will just share my perspective; hoping it might bless yours.
I’m going to bring up topics and deal with them obliquely, not necessarily directly. Sometimes I will just tell a story, sometimes I’ll set a stage for your personal devotion and might request you get a candle. Sometimes, I’ll just offer one of my compositions. Always, there will be a scripture for you to consider. For those of you who prefer something to listen to instead of read, I have created a weekly podcast of the things you will find on this site. About 90% of the things on this site will be in podcast and about 90% of the podcast will be on this site. Sign-up and I’ll send you something to listen to while you commute to work, Uber your kids or try to fall asleep by.
This entire website concept is based on a scripture written just for me: I Tim 6:20. I know it was written for me because it begins with my name. “20 Timothy, guard what has been entrusted to you. (I’ve spent a good portion of my life trying to figure out what God has entrusted to me and what it means to guard those responsibilities.) Avoid the profane chatter and contradictions of what is falsely called knowledge; 21 by professing it some have missed the mark as regards the faith. (Can I do that? Can I avoid profane chatter and contradictions of what is falsely called knowledge? Well, I’m gonna try!
Of course, feel free to share anything you find here. Let’s make this an interactive thing. Consider offering your feedback to any of my random thoughts via the connect page here. Dialogue is cooler than monologue. Thank you for taking the time to check it out.
What are the things God entrusted to us? People? Opportunities? And time? Plus. . .
Our faith, our perspectives, our witness, our choices,
that all bless God with our spiritual voices.
Welcome to Sacred Chatter, thoughts about life and things that matter.
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